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Le service commercial (accueil téléphonique et gestion des demandes par email) est en congés du 22 f...
Adaptateur pour caméra GoPro pour support Ram Mount. Le Kit
Cet adaptateur doit êtres associé aux supports Ram Mount que vous trouverez dans ce chapitre :
GoPro® cameras have reinvented how we capture some of the most exciting moments in our lives. Nearly two decades ago, RAM began reinventing mounting systems so that enthusiasts could use their cameras and video equipment like never before. RAM is proud to offer a sleek new adapter that will bring two revolutionary product lines together and open up a world of possibilities. While the GoPro® line of mounting accessories is nothing to scoff at, the diversity of the RAM product line is simply unmatched. Dream it. Live it. Capture it. RAM Mounting Systems and GoPro® make it possible to truly “Be a HERO™”.