Pièces pour Custom > Harley-Davidson > ADMISSION Carburateur > TILLOTSON 66/71 : Pièces > PIÈCE N° 00 - Kit de joints de réfection FUEL KIT - OEM 00000-00 - LE KIT

PIÈCE N° 00 - Kit de joints de réfection FUEL KIT - OEM 00000-00 - LE KIT


178,40 € TTC

198,22 € TTC


Réf : V/35-0267


Pour BigTwin de 1966 à 1970  et Sportster de 1966 à 1971. Le kit

Tillotson carburetor and gasket kit includes an accelerator pump, needle and seat, idle mixture knob, diaphragm plastic body pump, indermediate adjuster screw, throttle lever stop screw spring and idle screw spring.
Kit also includes diaphragm cover and screws, idle screw spring, throttle shaft spring and gaskets.
More Information
FL 1966-1970
XL 1966-1970