Pour Knucklehead de 1936 à 1937. Le Kit
Knucklehead rocker arm shaft set features oil galley's milled into each shaft, as required on the 1937 EL models, with the tea cup type valve spring covers.
Rocker arm shaft set is accurately reproduced after the original Knuckle motor of 1936. This set is shipped in an oil finish. Turn rocker shaft for alignment as required. This is a 4 piece set. *NOTE: Set will not accept V-Twin #11-1143, as rocker shaft is not threaded for the oval head screws. The bearing surface length on both ends are ground for rocker rotation. The front exhaust shaft is 5.280 ", front intake shaft is 4.095", rear intake shaft is 3.555" and the rear exhaust shaft is 4.645".
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EL 1936-1937